Deng Zongjue, professor of biology at Nanchang University: Forging an indissoluble bond with the Chinese sturgeon
A giant Chinese sturgeon specimen is now on display at the Biological Museum of Nanchang University. Courtesy of Nanchang University Archives
1986年,邓宗觉教授(右一)陪同外国学者考察鄱阳湖鸟类。 南昌大学档案馆供图
Archive story 70 years of glorious history 70 years of unforgettable memories
One morning in 1952, Deng Zongjue, who was shopping at the Zhongshan Road vegetable market in Nanchang, saw a fishmonger selling a huge fish. Since it was nearly two meters long and no one wanted it for a while, the fishmonger decided to divide the fish into several pieces and sell it. Due to professional sensitivity, Deng Zongjue quickly stopped it, paid a "huge amount" of 100 yuan to buy the fish back, and made it into a specimen in the laboratory. This is the "treasure of the town hall" now on display in the Biological Museum of Nanchang University – the giant Chinese sturgeon specimen.
The Chinese sturgeon and dinosaurs lived in the same period and were called "living fossils" in water. It was an important reference for studying the evolution of fish. It had important scientific value and incalculable ecological, social and economic value in the study of biological evolution traces, geology, landforms and other aspects of earth changes. However, due to human factors such as hydropower projects, water pollution, mechanical trauma, and overfishing, the wild Chinese sturgeon was in danger of extinction.
Deng Zongjue, a professor of biology at Nanchang University, has been teaching at the school since 1949. The specimen he found of the Chinese sturgeon is of great significance. It reflects the survival status of the Chinese sturgeon in the wild at that time, the population status and the ecological environment of the Yangtze River, which is conducive to human scientific research, experimental teaching and species protection.